Gynecomastia treatment Melbourne

5 Ways Compression Garments Can Improve The Results Of Your Liposuction

Have undergone liposuction recently? Now that you are going through your recovery period, you should also think upon how you can get the best results of the procedure.

Do you know that post-liposuction garments can actually enhance your results? It’s quite natural that you are eager to show off your improved, new figure to the world.

However, whether you have undergone liposuction to reduce your belly size or as a gynecomastia treatment Melbourne according to Chelsea Cosmetics Melbourne, it’s extremely important to wear compression garment after surgery for better and quicker results.

Here are reasons why you should wear compression garments after a liposuction surgery. 

1. Prevent Fluid Accumulation

Every liposuction procedure is followed by oedema or accumulation of fluid in the cavities created during the procedure due to removal of fat from the space between muscles and skin. 

Oedema usually occurs within 24 to 48 hours after the surgery and goes on increasing slightly for 10 to 14 days. 

The site of procedure may feel soft and slightly tender during this period. After around a couple of weeks, the body absorbs the fluid, serum and any broken down fat.

There may be a little firmness in the swollen areas, but the discomfort should be minimal after 2-3 weeks. 

Post-liposuction garments can control this fluid build-up and help clearing the oedema. 

2. Help Body’s Natural Lymphatic System

Your lymphatic system is very important to maintain the functioning of body’s immune system and its capability to prevent diseases and induce healing of injuries. 

Although with advanced technology, the procedure of liposuction has become very gentle and non-invasive, occurrence of inflammatory fluid is still possible from the small incision sites.

Post-liposuction compression garments can provide pressure on the area and push the fluid into the lymphatic system and clear it.

3. Help Skin Retraction

As mentioned earlier, a cavity is created with the liposuction procedure, between skin and muscles from where fat is removed. In this cavity, inflammation can naturally set in and the delicate tissue in the area can start retaining fluid.

In such a condition, perfectly fitting post-liposuction garments can exert a uniform pressure over the site of treatment letting the skin compress and thus cause it to stick back to the deeper layers of tissue.

This action of the compression garments can also help in general body contouring and lessen post-operative swelling, which will improve the overall outcome and generate a smoother appearance.

4. Improvement in Scars

Although incisions made in a liposuction procedure are small, it’s necessary to seal them correctly and enhance healing and appearance of scars. 

Compression garments have been seen to lessen scarring in nearly all patients after liposuction Templestowe by Chelsea Cosmetics Melbourne or by your trusted cosmetic clinic in your area. 

5. Offer a Slimmer Look

Compression garments exert an even pressure which will eventually enable your new body shape to look smooth and prevent the formation of any bumps or lumps during the period of recovery.

So, by contouring to your shape, these garments will make you look slimmer.

So, have you started looking for the post-liposuction compression garments?


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